[GIS] DXF format for QGIS


I am trying to import some DWG files into QGIS. I am using ODA to convert the DWG files to DXF and then want to use the Dxf2Shp converter plugin in QGIS.

The ODA converter has many options for the format of the DXF files it will output various options of ASCII or BINARY DXF file e.g. 2003 ASCI DXF, 2010 Binary DXF, R9 ASCII DXF plus more in similar styles

Which of the DWG file types will the Dxf2Shp plugin use best?

Best Answer

I think you best bet is to stick with 2003 ASCI DXF. This is the format that I have always used and it works fine.

Also depending on your needs you might not need the Dxf2Shp plugin as QGIS (using OGR) can open .dxf file directly via the Add Vector Layer button.