[GIS] Drop-down not showing on attribute table after I set a GDB domain


I created a file GDB with various feature classes that already have data in them. I then set up a domain to the GDB, and when I open the attribute tables of each of my feature classes there is no-drop down to choose from the coded domain. I also tried adding a new field within the attribute table and there is still no coded domain. Is this because my feature classes were pre-populated with data?

Best Answer

It seems you did something wrong.please follow my example step by step:

  1. Create a Domain in GeoDatabase [Step1][http://i.imgur.com/kZQml4e.jpg]1
  2. Add Filed in your layer(target) Right-click on Layer and select properties in Geodatabase when opened feature class properties Select Filed Tab and add new filed name and choose type of field (exactly same domain type)[step2][enter image description here]2
  3. Open layer attributes, right-click on layer in table of content and select open attribute table, after that add new field. [Step 3. in other way][enter image description here]3
  4. when open attributes is still open start editor, Finally you can see code values is dropping down for new filed, they are code value you entered in step 1, [Step 4][enter image description here]4

Note that the domain entry might not appear if the target field is not of the same data type as the domain.

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