QGIS Wind Rose – How to Draw a Wind Rose Using QGIS from PostGIS Data


I am working on wind rose data. I have some points on lines (streets) in my Postgres/PostGIS DB. The sample data scenario is:

A point on line (street)

First, I computed street orientation of this line using PostGIS commands ST_StartPoint(), ST_EndPoint() and ST_Azimuth() like this:

-- line_dir = line direction (orientation) in degrees
(degrees(ST_Azimuth(line_end_pt, line_start_pt)))::int As line_dir,
-- assign the line direction as the lower bound of sector 1 (of 30 degree)
(degrees(ST_Azimuth(line_end_pt, line_start_pt)))::int As   lower_bound_sector1,
-- add 30 degree to lower bound to get the upper bound as each sector is of 30 degree max.
(degrees(ST_Azimuth(line_end_pt, line_start_pt)))::int + 30 As upper_bound

     pt_on_line.geom as pt,
     line.geom As line,
     ST_StartPoint(ST_LineMerge(line.geom)) As line_start_pt,
     ST_EndPoint(ST_LineMerge(line.geom)) As line_end_pt
from pt_on_line
Left join line on ST_DWithin(pt_on_line.geom, line.geom, 0.1)
As foo;

Now starting with this street orientation, I need to generate a wind rose of 12 sectors (each of 30 degree having its lower bound and upper bounds) as geometry around this point on line in a radius of 50 meter. In the above code, I have assigned street direction as lower bound of sector_1 and added 30 degree to the lower bound. This approach might be unrealistic though. The expected output could be something similar to this.

expected output

How can I draw these 12 wind sectors (geometry) around this point starting from line's orientation?

Using the answer of @MichalZimmermann, here is the screen shot of wind rose generation using PostGIS and visualized in QGIS.

Wind rose using PostGIS

Best Answer

    line geometry, 
    directions int, 
    radius numeric
    id integer, 
    geom geometry(LINESTRING)
AS $ST_WindRose$
    IF directions % 2 <> 0 THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Odd number of directions found, please provide even number of directions instead.';
    END IF;

    IF radius > ST_Length(line) THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Inner circle radius is bigger than the wind rose diameter, please make it smaller.';
    END IF;

    WITH rose AS (
            ST_Rotate(_line, radians(360) / directions * dirs.id, ST_Centroid(_line)) _line
        FROM (
            SELECT line _line
        ) a
        CROSS JOIN (
            SELECT generate_series(1, directions / 2) id
        ) dirs
        row_number() OVER ()::integer id,
        _line geom
    FROM (
        SELECT _line FROM rose
        UNION ALL
        SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(line), radius, 30)) -- inner circle
        UNION ALL
        SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(line), ST_Length(line)/2, 30)) -- outer circle
    ) a;

Use it with

SELECT * FROM ST_WindRose(ST_MakeLine(ST_MakePoint(0,0), ST_MakePoint(0,1)), 12, 0.01);

Note it's half past 9pm here, it might not be the best solution ever, but it works.

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