[GIS] Draw Square from points OpenLayers 3


I have one string with points:

var points =

And I am trying to print a Box

var Square = new ol.geom.Polygon([points]);
var SquareFeature = new ol.Feature(Square);

source = new ol.source.Vector();

But it not working.

How should I parse the points?

Best Answer

Your points declaration is faulty.

  1. Each point should be an array of two coords (x and y)
  2. A polygon is conformed with at least three pair of coords. You supply coordinates for a single line not for polygon.

Try this

var points = [[
var Square = new ol.geom.Polygon(points);
var SquareFeature = new ol.Feature(Square);

var source = new ol.source.Vector({
  features: [SquareFeature]