Google Earth Engine – How to Download Collection to Local Drive


I am fairly new to both Python and Google Earth Engine.

I would like to process some Sentinel-2 hyperspectral images available from Google Earth Engine. My idea was to use Python to get the images to my drive (in some kind of standardized format such as netCDF, BSQ, etc.) and then process them locally with MATLAB for which I already have an analysis pipeline.

Nevertheless, I can't seem to find any way to do that: all the info I find clearly state how to export the image to Google Drive (I can do it and it works), but there's no clear info on how to get it on the local hard drive.

Is that possible?

Best Answer

You can export an ImageCollection to Google Drive using only one line of code with the geemap Python package. Check out this notebook example.

geemap.ee_export_image_collection_to_drive(collection, folder='export', scale=10)