[GIS] Downloading bathymetric data for free


I always wondered where cartographers get their bathymetric data from to create maps like the Zanzibar map on wikipedia for instance. I could download polygons for the 1000 meter polygons on naturalearthdata.com but I want to show maximum 100 meter levels or lower. Thus the question: What ist the easiest, user-friendliest way? Like naturalearthdata, but in 100s…

There was a similar question asked in this forum, I tried the named sources, but I couldn't figure out where exactly to download and how to transform the format. Therefore I need a better description on HOW to download the data and convert it to an appropriate GIS format.

I work with ArcMap 10.4 or QGIS 2.16. A SRTM raster tile (geotiff) would be fine (like for the land areas) or Polygon/Line Featureclasses/Shapefiles.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use SRTM30 PLUS which include topography and bathymetry of roughly 1km spatial resolution. The data covers the entire globe. You can choose the location you want. Also, the above link has multiple versions, please check the one you need, and there is an FTP link to download the data.