[GIS] Downloadable, Open Source, IP GeoLocation database


I have an open source project. I need a similarly open source IP GeoLocation database i.e. IP address to country (and ideally city). Ideally with a license that allows redistribution.

This is a question that's been asked before (Advice on geocoding IP addresses, and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3232516/geocode-an-ip-address most noteably), but they were for RESTful/API interfaces; I want a database that can be downloaded and used offline.

So far I've found two potentials:

IP2Location's 'Lite' – which claims to be open source but doesn't allow redistribution and has a very restrictive set of terms of use.

MaxMind's GeoLite2 – Released under a Attribution ShareAlike Unported License, but again with restrictions on redistribution.

Does anyone know of any suitable datasets?

Best Answer

Here is a database I wrote for IP to country that is open source under Apache2: https://github.com/geoacumen/geoacumen-country

If anyone has any insight on how one would build an IP to City mapping database I would also be very interested.