[GIS] download the Google Road network as shapefile

downloadgoogle mapsshapefile

Is there any site from where I can get Google Road network as shapefile? As per my knowledge It is not distributed by google. So anybody can suggest how can I create this road network for a custom use?

Best Answer

No, Google's road data is proprietary and is not distributed in a GIS capable format. This is because Google spends a lot of money keeping their GIS accurate and current, and distributing it for free would allow Google's competitors (e.g. Microsoft, MapQuest, Apple, ESRI) to download it. This would forfeit Google's competitive advantage in the web mapping world.

OpenStreetMap does offer downloads of their entire road dataset. The "Downloading data" Wiki page has some more information. The data download page is here. If you only need data for a single region or country, I recommend using the prepackaged downloads from geofabrik.de.