[GIS] Download GeoTIFF from GeoServer


I have remote GeoServer with published GeoTIFF's which have data security via login/password. Initial size GeoTIFF about 5-10Gb. Is there any way download raw GeoTIFF file from GeoServer (using Python script, web URL link …)?

Updated 26.02.2016

Example WCS URL for download raster files:

var workspace = layer.params.LAYERS.split(':');
var downloadurl = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/" + workspace[0] + "/wcs?service=WCS&version=2.0.1&request=GetCoverage&CoverageId=" + layer.params.LAYERS + "&format=image/tiff"

Best Answer

This can be done with the OGC standard WCS. Think that WCS is something like WFS but for raster.

But, as @simogeo explains

If your goal is to download plain geotif files with no processing (crop, scale, reproject) I would suggest to go for a specific WPS process (that you have to create) that simple give access to the original file. I mean, using WCS to extract the original file is a bit of an overkill, if you need to exchange the dump of the database with N persons you would do the dump one and then use that rather than doing a select all and writing to an output file N times, right?

As an alternative you may want to expose your data via FTP or HTTP and put those links in the layer metadata so people can reach the file directly.

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