[GIS] download all 3,141 County US Polygons clipped with high resolution shoreline data


After having done quite a bit of research I have been unable to find a single shapefile download which includes all of the current 3,141 counties with their associating data clipped with the highest resolution shoreline data available.

Does anyone know where I can find this data?

Best Answer

I am not sure how you are going to know or check the shoreline clipped aspect of your question.
Esri has some datasets that are described as detailed (dtl).
However you would need to aquire the Data Distribution Application (DDA) [see page 8 of the pdf] to get them into shapefile as they originate as *.sdc format.

Data is provided in Esri’s compressed, direct-read, high-performance Smart Data Compression (SDC) format

dtl_wat, dtl_riv, dtl_cnty_ln, etc.

As you don't describe the use I would perhaps suggest using the esri services available online.
The esri data-and-maps is also described here and in pdf along with redistribution rights.
The download search begins here.
Also just found the high resolution shoreline data, and a great blog on how it can be used.