[GIS] Does the a wms layer in openlayers have “maxfeatures” option


Does the a wms layer in openlayers have "maxfeatures" option?

I'm asking this because my wms layer contains allot of points ( > 100.000). When zoomed in I don't want the rest of the features (not sure if you call it features when using wms) to be rendered.

When I was using WFS, this was my code:

    wfs = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("WFS", {
        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX({
                        resFactor: 1,
        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
                        url:  "my url",
                        featureType: "my_featuretype",
                        featureNS: "my_feature ns",
                        version: "1.1.0"

How can I accomplish the same render functionality with a wms layer?


Solution: Hide the layer at a certain zoomlevel. This prevents a big amount of features to be loaded.


    map.events.on({ "zoomend": function (e) {
        if (this.getZoom() > 7) {
        else {

Best Answer

A WMS uses images generated on the server so any filtering also has to be done on the server. The WMS specification does not include a MAXFEATURES parameter, but many map servers do allow filtering.

Your tag implies you are using GeoServer so have a look at its WMS MaxFeatures option.

This is a vendor specific parameter, which can be added to your OpenLayers WMS configuration.

var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test",
                                   {layers: "test", maxfeatures: 500});