[GIS] Does MySQL has function which will return the points inside polygon


I have MySQL database with polygons, and also the database with points (column longitude and column latitude), is it possible to return all points inside one polygon?

Best Answer

If you are using MySQL 5.6.1+, take a look at ST_Contains.

Given table called points and polygons, with a primary key called id and a geometry column called geometry, this should work:

SELECT points.id FROM polygons, points WHERE ST_CONTAINS(polygons.geom, points.geom);

If there's no geometry column for the points table, but there are latitude and longitude columns, you can use the MySQL Point() function to convert long/lat columns to a point, like this:

SELECT points.id FROM polygons, points WHERE ST_CONTAINS(polygons.geom, Point(points.longitude, points.latitude));

Note that MySQL versions prior to 5.6.1 provide a Contains function which uses the MBR of the polygon, not the actual polygon boundaries, which might also work for you.