ArcMap – Documenting Inability to Start Editing SQLite Geodatabase Layers in ArcMap


I've recently started creating SQLite geodatabases using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop with both ST_GEOMETRY and SPATIALITE storage data types and was impressed by how easy this was to do.

I then tried to Start Editing them from ArcMap only to be blocked by an error:

No editable layers.

and a warning

The workspace containing this data cannot be edited.

enter image description here

I looked and could not find this limitation mentioned anywhere, and originally mistook it as SQLite being read-only to ArcGIS for Desktop.

Is the non-editability of SQLite within ArcMap edit sessions documented anywhere?

Best Answer

It's not strictly read-only access. You can load data via copy/paste and import into a SQLite or SpatiaLite database. Tables and feature classes can be appended to using append or Load Data.

You can edit the SQLite/SpatiaLite data via code as Insert/Update/Delete are supported.

What you can't do is open an edit session in ArcMap.

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