[GIS] do with gdalwarp that I can’t do with gdal_translate, and vice-versa


I'm new to GDAL and its utilities.
My experience with both these programs (Warp and Translate) doesn't go much further than doing some image clipping, whether by coordinate's bounding box (that I do with both programs), "size"'s bounding box (that I only can do with translate) or use a polygon cut-line (that I only can do with gdalwarp).

Besides these clipping operations, what other operations can I do? And from those which are exclusive from each program.

Best Answer

In some ways gdalwarp is a generalization and improvement on gdal_translate.

gdalwarp can reproject rasters, this covers much of what gdal_translate can do (resize, crop, resample, convert format etc). It uses a different kind of settings, you specify the 'target grid properties', whereas with translate you specify 'crop/outsize'.

It is also more performant and better parallelizable see arguments '-multi' and '-wo NUM_THREADS'.


'gdal_translate' is more suitable if you need to assign the extent or crs to a raster that has incorrect metadata.