Django Leaflet – Custom Popups Implementation Guide


I use some django project with PostGIS for database and leaflet map.
I have add simple leaflet popups like this :


and here the snippet code to call popups :

onEachFeature:function (feature,layer) {


but because I want to show more details from my fields I want to add one more html popups left down of map popups like this image :

example 2

Any idea what change I need about this tasks ?

Best Answer

Basically you want to put a div there, then using HTML create a table, Then with the layer.on('click') event populate the layer with the feature attributes.

 <div class="sidebar">
    <h3 style="text-align:center;">Bird Map</h3>
      <th align="left">Common Name</th>
      <td id='f1'></td></tr>  <tr>
      <th align="left">Location ID</th>
      <td id='f2'></td> 

layer.on('click', function (e) {
    var field1=document.getElementById('f1');;
    var field2=document.getElementById('f2');;