[GIS] Dividing an irregular polygon into sub-regions


I am trying to divide an irregular polygon into equal widths and am having trouble understanding the proper tool to use. I am in possession of ArcGIS and am aware that the Parcel Editor is the closest function to accomplish this task, but I am not actually able to edit said polygon – any ideas? I am also aware that I could divide the regions manually with the cut polygons tool, but I was looking for something more automatic.

Below is my goal, mainly to divide the regions into approximately an equal width of w.
enter image description here

Best Answer

You might try the Editor, Copy Parallel tool to create lines the same distance apart. This would be a Polyline feature class. The Advanced Editing Tool bar has Split Polygon tool. First, Select the lines overlapping your polygon, then execute the tool. Your Polygon will be cut by each line. The lines need to extend beyond the edges of your polygon.

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