[GIS] Distance between latlongs varies in different projection systems

coordinate systemdistancegeometry

I have shapefiles with correct projections. The SRS is EPSG 32735 (WGS 1984 UTM 35S)

Now, I have these two coordinates from this projection system:

(31.3751,-23.4388) and (31.3779,-23.4355).

Obviously the coordinates (format and value) will vary on different projection systems, and there in lies my confusion.

I used the following link to calculate the distance between the two points:

I copy pasted the lat/longs exactly as shown above and the distance it gives me is 0.313 meters. But I'm not sure if this is correct at all, since the calculator didn't ask me for any projection system? So:

  1. Does this mean the projection doesn't matter to calculate the distance?
  2. Does it differ between different projection systems?
  3. Is the tool I'm using incapable?



Best Answer

When you find distance using latitude and longitude, the tool would be calculating Geodetic distance between the two points, so it does not need a projection. However it will need the datum or ellipsoid, say WGS84 etc. Since it is not asking for a datum, it signifies a default system datum which generally is WGS84, the world datum.

Once you apply a projection system, then the co-ordinate system changes to planar co-ordinates and the distance can be calculated by applying Cartesian co-ordinate geometry. The distance if measured in planar co-ordinates will change if you change the projection system. But the distance between two points when using Geodetic distance will change only when you change the datum/ellipsoid, projection will have little difference or may be nil.

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