QGIS – Dissolving Using Attribute Field and Area in QGIS


How can I dissolve a shapefile with polygons and keep the information of the polygons that have the bigger area in QGIS?
two polygons with the same field values but one of them is bigger than the other –> dissolve into one polygon that contains the attribute values of the bigger polygon.

Best Answer

If the polygons you want to dissolve or merge located inside the bigger polygon , then try to use Eliminate sliver polygons located under Vector → Geoprocessing tools → Eliminate sliver polygons:

  • Select the polygon layer you want dissolve/merge
  • Select the Area field from the attribute table (Selection Attribute)
  • Use the <= to select only the polygons less than the bigger polygons area
  • Write the threshold area of the bigger polygon
  • Select Merge by largest area
  • Run the tool

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