[GIS] Displaying single band from multi-band raster using QGIS


How can I extract a single band from multi-band raster in QGIS?

I have an remote sensed image which has 6 bands (including NDVI band), I want to display each band separately, but have no idea how to do. I have seen some questions similar here but none worked for me.

The original image (has 6 bands) is: enter image description here

I want to display the band 6 which should be like this:
enter image description here

But I tried gdal_translate, and couldn't get the correct result.

What I have got is:
enter image description here

Best Answer

This is a display issue: you want to display a continuous band using categories. You do not need to split your image to create a new new image: this can be done directly on the multiple band image, and you can add the multiple band layer multiple times on the map.

Go to layer properties > Symbology

Select singleband pseudocolor

Choose the band that you want to display

Select a color ramp

Select an interpolation method (discrete is OK)

Select a mode (I suggest quantile)

Select a number of classes

If you want to change some colors, double clic on the color. And if you want to change a threshol value, double clic on the threshold value.

enter image description here

As a remark, your band 6 doesn't look like the NDVI that you could derive from your image. It is more like some interpolated soil properties (or smoothed NDVI, but if you have a NIR band you could have a more precise one.)

EDIT: I now see from one of your comments that you don't use QGIS 3. In QGIS 2, this would be similar except that you must select "style" in the layer properties.