[GIS] display GeoReferencing image through MapServer


I have a tiff image and got the world file which contains the needed information for GeoReferenceing,

how to start add this image on Mapserver ? if I use C# and use GMAP API to call the google server through internet to show map.

how to add this map with correct coordinate on it ?
if I have to replace this API to have a local map server to use, it is ok as long as I still can use the new mapserver and API with C# windows application.

any suggestion? I have many times add similar to this question but all people answer to use GDAL, but I think GDAL to get the needed information which is already having them in the world file ?

Best Answer

If you are not familiar with Web servers I suggest you to use http://www.maptiler.org/

It is a really easy to use tool to generate tiles for Google Maps from any raster file. It will give you a Google Maps application at the end with your tiles on it. Note that it is against the licence to access the Google Maps API via C#.

If that's not what you want and simply want to display your raster file on top of another data source via C#, you must choose something else than Google Maps.


From your comments, it seems that you prefer to use C# than Google Maps. In that case, there 2 things you can do.

The first is to use the GDAL API. It's not C#, but C++. If you can live with that, go for this option: http://www.gdal.org/gdal_tutorial.html

Second option is to use MapServer C# MapScript. This will probably do exactly what you want, but the documentation is a bit old and it will be harder to get help: http://www.paolocorti.net/2006/09/20/mapserver-tutorial-for-c-mapscript-asp-net/

One thing that is missing in the MapServer C# MapScript documentation is how to configure your georeferenced image in the mapfile (MapServer configuration file) Go here for the documentation.

With both option (GDAL C++ API or C# MapScript), start by simply displaying your georeferenced image without any other map under it. Once you will get that working, add a second raster layer (under the first one) using this documentation: http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms.html

In the Example section of the above link, you will see several options to include: GoogleMaps, VirtualEarth, BlueMarble, OpenStreetMap, etc. Choose the one that you prefer and go for it.

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