[GIS] “Disperse Markers” tool for QGIS


I am using ArcGIS, but either I would like to use QGIS and maybe want to switch completely later.
A have a point overlapping problem, as a result of geocoding of addresses.

I have not found any tool in QGIS which could replace the "Disperse Markers" tool from ArcGIS, because if I understand well, the "Points displacement" tool in QGIS can displace the overlapping polygons only in "circle way" which has finally a very artificial effect.

Please check out these two short articles about Disperse Markers to see what I mean. Please if you know any possible solution in QGIS for this, let me know.


Best Answer

I think you are looking for the Point displacement renderer as illustrated in https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/57366/187

enter image description here