[GIS] Determining if ArcGIS Server SOM or SOC is installed on machine


I need to create a visual map of my current ArcGIS Server system including where software and data are installed. The System comprises of MSSQL, ArcSDE 9.3, ArcIMS, ArcGIS Server 10.0, and various servers which host Server Object Containers, and at least one Server Object Manager.

I canĀ“t see any SOC or SOM in the windows services. Can anyone give me clue how to get this information from my server environment?

Best Answer

Try to find out one or more of these criteria to determine if ArcGIS Server ist installed

  • There is a Service called ArcGIS Server Object Manager in the Windows Services Console
  • There is a Process ArcSOM.exe and one or more ArcSOC.exe running on your machine

  • Under %PROGRAMFILES(x86)\ArcGIS* you'll find an installation of ArcGIS Server

  • Use the PatchFinder.exe (Included with the servicepacks) or the Uninstall Utility included on your ArcGIS Installation Disks which tells you which Type and Version of ESRI Software is installed onto your machine