[GIS] Determining centroid of clusters of points in QGIS


I've basically got the same issue as Identifying cluster centroids using ArcGIS Desktop?, but can't find a way to transplant the ArcGIS solution to QGIS.

I have household-level geo data for 10 villages spread out across the country. I need to find the central point of these household clusters, so that I can create a 10km buffer around that central point.

I am new to QGIS.

enter image description here

Best Answer

If it does not need to be QGIS you can do the task rather simply with OpenJUMP. In the beginning you have a road and a cluster of villages.

enter image description here

Select the villages and merge them to one multipoint feature. Tool opens with mouse right click. enter image description here

Keep the new multipoint feature selected and find Geometry Functions toolbox from menu Tools-Analysis. Select the Centroid of A function, run it for selected features only and ask OpenJUMP to create a new layer for the result.

enter image description here

You can save the computed centroid of your cluster into shapefile if you want to continue with other tools than OpenJUMP. Or perhaps you want to continue and use the buffer tool first from Tools-Analysis-Buffer.

enter image description here

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