[GIS] Deploying Application With C# GDAL/OGR Bindings


I developed a relatively simple web app that uses the C# OGR bindings to do a couple of simple geometric functions; buffer, clip…etc. I developed this application on my local machine, which has FWTools installed, so getting everything to play nicely wasn't very difficult.

Naturally, when I deployed this application to the server nothing worked, undoubtably due to the all of the missing associated dependencies for the C# bindings. Is there anyway I can include all needed files in the bin folder of this application? Or is that more trouble than its worth, and I should just install FWTools on the server?

Best Answer

If it is a one-off install, I would just install FWTools and be done with it. There are a number of moving pieces that you'll need to make sure you bring along, including GDAL_DATA files, path settings, and multiple DLL dependencies.

If you need something that is dependably redeployable on multiple servers, it might be worth the effort to build a package from an existing FWTools or OSGeo4W install. Another option might be to use Tamas' GDAL SDKs, which might get you something that is single-directory deployable.


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