[GIS] Dem file in .adf format, while .tiff is needed


I would like to use this standalone tool to get different kind of Dem visualizations (http://iaps.zrc-sazu.si/en/svf#v). I see that the program accept only .tiff DEM.

Now, the DEMs I got are not in that format; rather, I see that the files are .adf

I am wondering if I need to convert the DEM I have into .tiff, and how it can be accomplished (possibly in ArcGIS 10.1).

Best Answer

.adf is part of the raster arcinfo binary grid. You can convert it using arcgis (just add to your dataframe then right click to export it. Giving a .tif extension will automatically convert to a tif file. Note that you need to have the directory with your adf files in it.

EDIT : GDAL also provide this conversion if you prefer open source. The output type is GTiff by default and you can specify other output type by using the -of (output format) option.

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