[GIS] Deleting overlapping polygon features from one of two layers using QGIS


I have two overlapping layers of polygons, and I need to somehow erase the areas the overlaps. -This way i should end up with two layers of non overlapping polygons. Sounds pretty simple but I just can't get it right with any of the tools in Qgis!?
Should i use "clip" or "cut shape by polygons", or perhaps the "difference" tool and the "clip"?

Whatever I do the product isn't right.

Best Answer

using qgis 2.0.1. created two overlapping polygons (yellow & green). clip tool creates "difference area" (red polygon). apply difference tool; input vector layer = original polygon layer, difference layer = clip polygon.

two arbitrary overlapping polygons

results of applying clip polygon with difference tool to each of the original polygons.

using clip with difference tool on both original input polygons

hope this helps:)