[GIS] Defining a color ramp for temperature range & applying it to different rasters

climatecolor rampqgisrasterstyle

I'm using QGIS 2.18 (Las Palmas).

I have downloaded Climate-Data from WorldClim and I would like to display all of the monthly maps within the same color scale (and I don't mean within Styles always choosing the same color ramp because if I choose a specific color ramp for January where the Temperatures vary between -40 and -10 and in February the temperatures vary between -20 and +5, the maps will look similar). This has the effect, that when clicking through the maps, the monthly changes become evident, even without having to look at the temperature legend).

Is there a way I can create a color scale for my temperatures between -40 and +20°C although Not all my maps vary between these temperatures?

Best Answer

An approach would be creating a style for each raster, ranging from -40°C to +20°C (or whatever you want).

Firstly, right-click on the layer and, from Properties >> Style, try to set it following these steps:

enter image description here

Then, save the style (as a .qml file) going to Style >> Save Style... from the same dialog above, but remember to save it with the same name of the layer to which it refers.

Finally, go to the system folder containing the rasters and copy-and-paste the style for every raster file you want to compare (if you have one raster per month, you need to copy-and-paste the .qml just created for 11 times and then edit the filename).

In this way, you will be able to switch through the several rasters without looking to the legend because the colors for each raster will range from -40°C to +20°C.