[GIS] Dealing with GeoTIFF-file in ArcMap


I'm doing data-analysis on satellite data and my source data is in GeoTIFF-file format. What I would like to do with the data is:

1) Open the raster data in ArcMap etc.  
2) Change the coordinate system from WGS84 --> ETRS-TM35FIN 
3) Extract an area from the original data specified by ETRS-TM35FIN coordinates 
4) Save the extracted area as plain .tif-file so that I can do data-analysis on it in Matlab

Can someone give the steps I need to do, in order to achieve my goals?

I have no experience in ArcGIS software and the terminology etc. is very new to me, but I don't want to start reading a 500 page book just to get my data into a format so that I can analyze it in Matlab.

The following picture will summarize my question:

enter image description here

I'm able now to extract specific area from the GeoTiff, but I can't save it as a plain .tiff-file:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'll suggest that you can do this using Geoprocessing . This will be the way with the least amount of interaction with ArcGIS. This needs to be just a two stage process.

  1. Firstly, you will need to run the Project Raster tool. You can export the raster to ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system

  2. Then you can extract the required area, by using the Extract by Polygon (Spatial Analyst) tool. in the out raster, if you provide the name with .tif, it will be exported as a Tiff File

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