[GIS] Data providers equivalent to USDA/NRCS/FSA Common Land Unit (CLU)


For one of my agricultural projects, I really need reasonably accurate field boundaries for fields in the US, specifically Iowa right now but later, other similar states.

The USDA/NRSC/FSA Common Land Unit (CLU) data is exactly what I need, but apparently since 2008 it cannot be accessed by the public.

Does anyone know of a similar source, commercial or otherwise, of this type of data? I don't need much for attributes, just field boundaries that will let me aggregate analytic data within a field, accurately.

Best Answer

Update: The Geocommunities store has the CLU for the whole US: http://store.geocomm.com/viewproduct.phtml?catid=25&productid=2188

It lacks some of the original redacted attributes, but it's better than nothing.