[GIS] Dark Object Subtraction QGIS

qgisremote sensingsatellite

I'm trying to do Dark Object Subtraction (DOS) for a Spot2 and 4. I have calculated the TOA reflectance and now want to get the at surface reflectance. Using QGIS

I would like to know how I can do DOS in QGIS, can I build a model or use an equation to do this. I have tried doing 6S however SPOT2 and SPOT4 HRV1/2 is not listed in the Pre-defined satellite bands.

Best Answer

You can use the semi-automatic classification plugin to do DOS in QGIS. It is a realy nice (user-friendly) and powerful tool that was improved very intesively since last year. It contains a pre-processing section where you can convert DN values to TOA reflectances and perform a DOS by the way.

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