Google Maps – Custom UMN Mapserver WMS Layer Over Google API

google mapsmapserver

I am using Google maps for my application. For getting some custom private map data, I have set up a WMS using Mapserver.
How can I add this Custom UMN Mapserver WMS layer over Google API (without using Openlayers)?

Best Answer

It's possible to do it without using OpenLayers:

The revelant code:

 //Define custom WMS tiled layer
 var SLPLayer = new google.maps.ImageMapType({
                getTileUrl: function (coord, zoom) {
                    var proj = map.getProjection();
                    var zfactor = Math.pow(2, zoom);
                    // get Long Lat coordinates
                    var top = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(coord.x * 256 / zfactor, coord.y * 256 / zfactor));
                    var bot = proj.fromPointToLatLng(new google.maps.Point((coord.x + 1) * 256 / zfactor, (coord.y + 1) * 256 / zfactor));

                    //corrections for the slight shift of the SLP (mapserver)
                    var deltaX = 0.0013;
                    var deltaY = 0.00058;

                    //create the Bounding box string
                    var bbox =     (top.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
                                   ( + deltaY) + "," +
                                   (bot.lng() + deltaX) + "," +
                                   ( + deltaY);

                    //base WMS URL
                    var url = "";
                    url += "&REQUEST=GetMap"; //WMS operation
                    url += "&SERVICE=WMS";    //WMS service
                    url += "&VERSION=1.1.1";  //WMS version  
                    url += "&LAYERS=" + "typologie,hm2003"; //WMS layers
                    url += "&FORMAT=image/png" ; //WMS format
                    url += "&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF";  
                    url += "&TRANSPARENT=TRUE";
                    url += "&SRS=EPSG:4326";     //set WGS84 
                    url += "&BBOX=" + bbox;      // set bounding box
                    url += "&WIDTH=256";         //tile size in google
                    url += "&HEIGHT=256";
                    return url;                 // return URL for the tile

                tileSize: new google.maps.Size(256, 256),
                isPng: true
