[GIS] Custom Geographic Transformation on QGIS

coordinate systemqgis

Is there a way to create a custom geographic transformation with specifics parameters in QGIS like in ArcGIS?

Okay, I want to tranform SAD69 system into WGS84. Well, I'm in doubt because in ArcGIS you have to enter both systems and then specify the method of the transformation – wich is the Molodensky method – and its three parameters – defined by the brazilian government.

a1 = 6.378.160 m
f1 = 1/298,25
a2 = 6.378.137 m
f2 = 1/298,257222101 ΔX = − 67,35 m
ΔY = + 3,88 m
ΔZ = − 38,22 m

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Yes, it's possible to create custom coordinate reference systems (CRSs) in QGIS. Settings -> Custom CRS...

What parameters do you have?

Added later: Is this SAD69 lat/lon? You could try a custom CRS made with this parameter string:

+proj=longlat +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=-67.35,3.88,-38.22,0,0,0,0 +no_defs

See here How to define new custom projections in QGIS?

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