R GIS – How to Crop Simple Features Object


Is there a function to crop sf map object, similar to maptools::pruneMap(lines, xlim= c(4, 10), ylim= c(10, 15)) used for SpatialPolygon or SpatialLine?

I am considering st_intersection() but there can be proper way.

Best Answer

Since today, there is a st_crop function in the github version of sf (devtools::install_github("r-spatial/sf"), probably on CRAN in the near future too).

Just issue:

st_crop(nc, c(xmin=-82, xmax=-80, ymin=35, ymax=36))

The vector must be named with xmin xmax ymin ymax (in whichever order).

You can also use any object that can be read by st_bbox as cropping limits, which is very handy.

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