QGIS Vertex Creation – Creating Vertex Where Two Lines Meet in QGIS


I've cleaned up a road network so that I can use the shortest path tool, but some intersections don't have a vertex on one/both roads, so the result ignores this intersection.

How can I split or insert a vertex on one line where it meets another line, whether at a T-intersection or road crossing?

I've tried extending, splitting, etc. but nothing works.

Best Answer

In QGIS Processing Toolbox, there is a GRASS command v.clean (GRASS | Vector | v.clean) which, with break tool, can add vertex (node) to lines at each intersection.

enter image description here

enter image description here

When we have T-intersection, it does not create node unless the intersecting point is located exactly on the line. (An example is shown at the right hand side of the picture).

To make sure these lines meet at the intersection, v.clean snap tool can be helpful. This snap tool is usually used before break tool.

enter image description here

As a negative side, this operation can bend lines, trying to snap them together... please use it carefully.