[GIS] Creating unique IDs for file geodatabase using ArcGIS for Desktop


I use ArcEditor licence level, ArcGIS 10.0 version, and we're talking about a file geodatabase.

I have several feature classes (electric energy domain) and I want to connect them using relationship classes, so I want to use their ID's as foreign keys.

I want to automatically create a significant unique ID for each feature. It'a a text type ID, which would be composed of two letters and several numbers (ex. CH00123, CH00124). The ID would give me three info : what type of feature we're talking about (channel- CH), on which street it is (00), and it's unique code (123). I don't want to type this code for every feature I create, I need something to automatically assign an ID to each feature.

I am not sure how to handle this situation. Do I need to use a data integration software? an engine to generate my special ID's?

Best Answer

If you want to assign IDs (or another field) automatically, you should programmatically create Class Extension that listens to edit events and updates corresponding Id field http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#//000100000201000000