[GIS] Creating symbology for multiple attributes within the same feature class in ArcMap 10


I'm struggling to find a way to take a single point feature class that has multiple attributes that I want as feature layers with unique symbology. Let's call these attributes Depth1 and Depth2. A key point here is I want to apply a lyr setting to automate the symbology of each layer and it seems what may be the best way of doing this is in the properties of an output in model builder you can add a lyr file to use as symbology. But I'm not sure how I can get these two attributes as new layers using model builder and then default to correct attribute for the symbology for each (ie. Depth1 for first layer & Depth2 for the 2nd layer). Any ideas? Let me know if I need to explain any of this better.

Best Answer

From your description it sounds like you could use Apply Symbology From Layer tool from the Data Management toolbox. The field names for your input feature layers need to be stable -- meaning the field to use for unique symbols in layer1 will always be Depth1, layer2 ...Depth2 and so on. You'll need a source layer file for each kind of symbology you wish to apply.

If you've already tried this route and it doesn't work, we'll need more specifics about you're attempting to do in order to help.