ArcGIS Survey123 – Creating Survey from Existing Point Service Layer


I'm creating a road sign inspection survey, and I'd like the field crew to be able to select the sign they want to inspect from the map (or a drop down) then fill out the survey based on their selection.

I see that it's possible to create a survey from an already existing service feature, but I can't get the points to actually show up.

Is Survey123 capable of doing this?

Best Answer

In your follow-up, you mentioned the 1000 record limit of the feature service. This is standard for ArcGIS feature services (in order to avoid them running too slow). However, you can override this setting if you have access to the ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Online configuration for that feature service.

For ArcGIS Online, see ESRI's documentation on this exact issue at:

Or, for ArcGIS Server use the ArcGIS Server Manager (ArcGIS Server website) and navigate to:

  • Your feature service name
  • Parameters
  • Find the field Maximum Number of Records Returned by Server:
  • Enter a number that covers your needs without being too excessive
  • Save and Restart button
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