[GIS] Creating summary table using ArcMap 10.2 Report Wizard


I've been having a play and reading the help about a part of ArcMap I don't really use and that is the Reports. I thought I would teach myself a bit more about this by creating a simple report, for which I have spectacularly failed!

I have a point dataset, say with 100 points and there is a text field that gives each point a type. For arguments sake I have types A, B, C and D.

I've been trying to create a single page that would give a count for each type, something that the Summary Statistics tool can do. The end result would be a nice looking report with a simple table like:

Type  Count
A      25
B      25
C      30
D      20

That is it! Nothing more complex. Have I misunderstood what a report is actually about? I've tried setting Group Levels, Summary Function to count and Summary Group properties and have not succeeded in creating a simple table.

Best Answer

It seems that it only provides this functionality if you group by a field, so you need at least 2 fields in your data. So in short, the answer is no. Not the way you want to do it. The main function of the reporting tools is to allow you to summarise data by groups.

Below I've tried to outline the process of creating the summary you want using a group.

I've created a single point feature class with 2 fields. One called "Type" as text. The other called "Number" as short field (this 2nd field could be whatever you want - could even be blank).

enter image description here

I will summarise this by the "Type" field.

  • Start the Report Wizard (View > Reports > Create Report)
  • Select both the "Type" and "Number" fields for the report and click "Next".
  • Now create a group for the report based on the "Type" field. To do this double click on "Type" under "Report Fields:"

enter image description here

  • It should look like this.

enter image description here

  • Keep clicking on "Next" and select your style, layout, orientation etc... -I've left everything as the default.
  • On the last screen select to "Modify the report's design" and then click "Finish".

enter image description here

  • The "Report Designer" will now open.
  • From the left hand "Design Elements" menu, select the "Text Box" and draw one anywhere on your report (you will move this later)
  • Now that you've drawn a box, you can drag it into the header called "gfType" on the report. This is the field that we grouped by.

enter image description here

  • It should look like this enter image description here
  • Now make sure this new text box is selected, you will see an "Element Properties" window in the right hand side. Under "Data", set the "Data Field" to "Type" - This is the field we want to summarise by. Now inder Under "Summary":
  • Set the "Distinct Field" to "Type"
  • Set the "Summary Function" to "Count"
  • Set the "Summary group" to "ghType" (or whatever your group is called).
  • Set the "Summary Running" to "Group"
  • Set the "Summary Type" to "Sub Total"

enter image description here

  • Now click on the "Run Report" button (Top left)

You will see that the data has been grouped by "Type" and underneath each group there is a count of the total number of items in that group

enter image description here

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