[GIS] Creating square grid polygon shapefile with Python


I have the following coordinates

minx, maxx, miny ,maxy = 448262.080078, 450360.750122, 6262492.020081, 6262938.950073

I wish to create a square grid of size 1 m using python.

import math

minx,maxx,miny,maxy = 448262.080078, 450360.750122, 6262492.020081, 6262938.950073
size = 1

def set_bbox(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, distx, disty):
    nx = int(math.ceil(abs(maxx - minx)/distx))
    ny = int(math.ceil(abs(maxy - miny)/disty))
    new_maxx = minx + (nx*distx)
    new_miny = maxy - (ny*disty)
    return ((minx, new_maxx, new_miny, maxy),ny,nx)

# shift the bottom (right - down)
coord, ny, nx = set_bbox(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,size,size)
# left-up origin
origin = coord[0],coord[3]
# number of tiles
ncell = ny*nx

Best Answer

The following script will do the job with GDAL and Python:

import os, sys
import ogr
from math import ceil

def main(outputGridfn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,gridHeight,gridWidth):

    # convert sys.argv to float
    xmin = float(xmin)
    xmax = float(xmax)
    ymin = float(ymin)
    ymax = float(ymax)
    gridWidth = float(gridWidth)
    gridHeight = float(gridHeight)

    # get rows
    rows = ceil((ymax-ymin)/gridHeight)
    # get columns
    cols = ceil((xmax-xmin)/gridWidth)

    # start grid cell envelope
    ringXleftOrigin = xmin
    ringXrightOrigin = xmin + gridWidth
    ringYtopOrigin = ymax
    ringYbottomOrigin = ymax-gridHeight

    # create output file
    outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
    if os.path.exists(outputGridfn):
    outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(outputGridfn)
    outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer(outputGridfn,geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon )
    featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn()

    # create grid cells
    countcols = 0
    while countcols < cols:
        countcols += 1

        # reset envelope for rows
        ringYtop = ringYtopOrigin
        ringYbottom =ringYbottomOrigin
        countrows = 0

        while countrows < rows:
            countrows += 1
            ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
            ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
            ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYtop)
            ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYbottom)
            ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYbottom)
            ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
            poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)

            # add new geom to layer
            outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)

            # new envelope for next poly
            ringYtop = ringYtop - gridHeight
            ringYbottom = ringYbottom - gridHeight

        # new envelope for next poly
        ringXleftOrigin = ringXleftOrigin + gridWidth
        ringXrightOrigin = ringXrightOrigin + gridWidth

    # Close DataSources

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # example run : $ python grid.py <full-path><output-shapefile-name>.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth

    if len( sys.argv ) != 8:
        print "[ ERROR ] you must supply seven arguments: output-shapefile-name.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth"
        sys.exit( 1 )

    main( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7] )