[GIS] Creating small globe locator map in QGIS


I've tried searching on gis.stackexchange and elsewhere but can't seem to figure this one out though it seems simple enough.

The type of locator I'm thinking of is similar to the one from the map in this post: Unattractive image artefact when exporting from QGIS's Print Composer

enter image description here

Does anyone know of a tutorial out there?

Best Answer

There is an easier way to do this in QGIS. You can add a map to your layout that will serve as the "globe" locator map, and set the projection of this map to "Azimuthal Orthographic," more commonly called "Earth from Space."

The only complication is that you have to add the projection (centered where you like) via Settings > Custom Projections.

This blog has a clear, step-by-step howto.

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