[GIS] Creating Sentinel-2 cloud free, cloud-shadow free composite or scene on Google Earth Engine (GEE)

cloud covergoogle-earth-enginesentinel-2

Using this code, I am able to get a cloud-free composite, but it still includes shadows in my image.

var collection = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")
  .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-85.14404296875, 46.9502622421856, 
  -71.87255859375, 41.60722821271717));
var S2_cloud = collection.min();

How do I create a Sentinel-2 cloud free, cloud-shadow free composite or scene on Earth Engine (GEE)?

Best Answer

As far as I know, Sentinel 2 has no computed cloud-shadow mask, so I ommit that part. But for the rest, I think you should at least mask out clouds, and filter a little.

I've made public a repo I have to perform this: users/fitoprincipe/geetools

First the core:

var computeQAbits = function(image, start, end, newName) {
    var pattern = 0;

    for (var i=start; i<=end; i++) {
        pattern += Math.pow(2, i);

    return image.select([0], [newName]).bitwiseAnd(pattern).rightShift(start);

var sentinel2 = function(image) {

  var cloud_mask = image.select("QA60");
  var opaque = computeQAbits(cloud_mask, 10, 10, "opaque");
  var cirrus = computeQAbits(cloud_mask, 11, 11, "cirrus");
  var mask = opaque.or(cirrus);

  return image.updateMask(mask.not());

You can use the function sentinel2 in a map function.

to your question:

Using min(), which may not be the best approach to generate a composite, (but that's another story so I am not diggin on it), this would be a complete 'solution':

var s2mask = require('users/fitoprincipe/geetools:cloud_masks').sentinel2;

var AOI = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-85.14404296875, 46.9502622421856, 
  -71.87255859375, 41.60722821271717);

var collection = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")
  .filterMetadata('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 'less_than', 70)

var image = ee.Image(collection.min());
Map.addLayer(image, {bands:['B8', 'B12', 'B4'], min:0, max:3000});