[GIS] Creating Regular points every meter at county level using ArcGIS Desktop


I have a need to create regular points with a coordinate every meter in a county. I've tried several methods including Hawthes Tools in ArcMap9.3, ET GeoWizards, and the standard Toolbox. I have encountered reoccurring instances where all of the processes have froze up.I am assuming that these programs can't handle that data generation. I tried this in QGIS as well. I need help ASAP.

Best Answer

Try this:

  1. Convert your county polygons to raster using the ArcGIS Conversion Toolbox > To Raster > Polygon to Raster. Set the cell size to 1m.
  2. Use spatial analyst's Sample Tool (Spatial Analyst toolbox > Extraction tools > sample) to create points for every cell.
  3. Extract only the points that intersect your county polygon.

If you continue to run into problems, try splitting the county polygon into smaller areas and using this same process.

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