[GIS] Creating rectangle using OpenLayers


I want to use OpenLayers to draw a simple rectangle (based on 4 coordinates) on my map. I would also like to fill the rectangle with a color.

For example (EPSG:4326):

  • 13.40, 52.50
  • 13.50, 52.50
  • 13.50, 52.60
  • 13.40, 52.60

The documentation tells me to use this:

var poly = new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,0,10,10).toGeometry();

How I am supposed to convert this?

Best Answer

Why dont you use the classic way:

 var style = {
   strokeColor: "#00FF00",
   strokeOpacity: 1,
   strokeWidth: 3,
   fillColor: "#00FF00",
   fillOpacity: 0.8

var p1 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);
var p2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);
var p3 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);
var p4 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);
var p5 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);

var pnt= [];

var ln = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(pnt);
var pf = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(ln, null, style);
