[GIS] Creating raster layer from data frame in R


I have created a data frame which I need to convert to an image. This particular data frame is measured 174, 209, 36366 (nrow, ncol, ncell) respectively. This data frame is created and stored in R and I dont know how to export it from R or create a raster layer (of the same dimensions) for imaging from it.
It is effectively a table of pixel values. Can anybody help?

Best Answer

Coerce the data.frame to a matrix and then use the raster function in the raster library to convert the matrix to a raster. This type of object should be in a matrix format to begin with because you save the overhead of row and column names, which data.frame objects must have.


nr = 174
nc = 209
x <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:nr) { x <- rbind(x, runif(nc) ) }

x <- as(x, "matrix")

x <- raster(x)

From here you can use writeRaster to export to a variety of formats.

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