QGIS Raster – Creating Raster from Point Values


I have a raster whose pixel values are 0 or 1 (b/w areas in the image below) and data type is Float32.

I made a point layer from each individual pixel's center. Then I made some calculation for all points and added it as new field.

enter image description here

How can I make a new raster, which has the same properties (resolution, pixel size, data type, etc.) with the first raster, from those point values?

Best Answer

Maybe this would be the complete work-flow (as partially mentioned already by @Aaron and @user2856):

  1. make a copy of your original raster (so that extent, resolution, CRS etc. remain the same)
  2. use GDAL > Vector Conversion > 'Rasterize (Overwrite With Attribute)' tool (gdal:rasterize_over) to overwrite the raster's values with the values from your shapefile
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