QGIS Random Points – Creating Random Points Using QGIS Random Points Tool


I have a polygon layer that has plot layouts of an area.enter image description here

I want to create a random point on each polygon. I tried to use the Random points tool (Vector->Research Tool->Random Points) to create the points but its not creating the points directly over the layer. The polygon layer has 1819 polygons. The tool creates the same number of points but at a different location and a different scale. I could have moved the points layer to the right place but the scales do not match so that method would not work. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

As comments could be deleted at a point, here the answer that helped solve the problem:

Sounds like your polygon data and the points have different CRS.

  1. Check if your polygon file has a CRS at all
  2. If 1. is true, check if your QGIS project set to the same CRS