[GIS] Creating print layout with 3 different maps of same area using QGIS


I have a problem with the Qgis print composer: I want to create a print layout with 3 different statuses of the same geographical area, stylizing with 3 different fields. So far everything works but when I do the export to PDF or image format all 3 different maps are correct at the last style used. I can not figure out how to solve the problem.

(same problem here: How to avoid map refreshes in print composer? but this solution seems to me it does not work)

I tested on the following systems:

  • Windows XP + Qgis 1.8 (postgres/postgis data)
  • Windows 7 + Qgis 1.8 (shape data)
  • Ubuntu 13.04 + 1.9 Qgis nightly b. (postgres/postgis data)

Best Answer

If your 3 stylings include different label styles for the same layer, then composer locks layers(as per your included link ie which ones are shown ) but style/labels/diagrams are printed or not accordingly to the main QGIS canvas. So the last style is used.

A solution is to duplicate your layer and affects a different vector style/label style for each copy. Create as many map items and for each map item, add the required layer.

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