QGIS Dot Density Map – How to Create Population Dot Density Map at the Block Group Level


I'm new to QGIS, always used ArcMap, and I'm struggling to find out how to best display population density at the block group level for a county (the most granular level of detail for census geography). I have the shapefile for the block groups, and I've joined the csv containing my population data per block group to the shapefile, but now I'm at a loss on:

  1. how to best display the population density
  2. the method for executing the task in QGIS

Most of the block groups have populations ranging from 25-100 people. Would it be best to have 1 dot equal 25 people per census block? How do I create this type of map in QGIS? Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Use Vector -> Research Tools -> Random Points Inside Polygons.

Select the variable, which contains the number of people in each Block (=polygon) under expression. leave sampling strategy untouched at point counts.

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