[GIS] Creating polygon of gaps/holes from several shapefiles using ArcGIS Desktop


How can I create polygon of gaps/holes if I have several shapefiles.
Do I really have to merge all layers, it it big amount of data (NEW YORK roadbed, buildings, water,parks etc)

I have ET geowizards to clean polygons or create gaps but I can only choose one layer. Merging all layers takes so long time.

maybe it is another way? erasing, clip with an background layer?.

Union with no gaps allowed worked but i need to be able to symbolize the gap polygon and i need to be able to select individual gap polygons.

any ideas?

Best Answer

I have solved this very problem, by creating a topology, (with Allow no gaps rule) and then exporting the errors to a featureclass.

If you are on ArcGIS10.1, you can use the inbuilt tool directly. Otherwise, you can use this tool, if you are on Arcgis 9.x

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