[GIS] Creating points in specified distance along line using QGIS?


I want to use QGIS creating points along the line, but in specified distance. I found two GRASS tools in SEXTANTE Toolbox:

  • v.to.points
  • v.segment

I tried v.to.points, setting the maximum distance between points in map units to 100 and got this:

points along the line

close look

The second photo showed a close look from the upper one. The result was what I want, but I want to get less points, but even I set the maximum distance to 1000, or 1000000, the result was the same.

I tried to use v.segment, but I had no file containing segment rules.

Underdark gave me some advice, and I tried Densify geometries given an interval. First it gave me a polyline shapefile the same as I input, and then I used extract nodes to try to get those points. But the result was the same as I got using v.to.points, no matter what I set the distance interval.

How can I create points along the line, and in specified distance?

Best Answer

There is now a plugin called QChainage that does exactly what you want. You specify an interval distance and the plugin creates points along your line at the specified interval.

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